Tommy Scott Work Experience

Name: Tommy Scott
Role: Civil Engineering Student Placement
Tommy Scott worked on the Cross Tay Link Road project under the watchful eye of the BAM UK & Ireland team on a 15-week placement over summer 2023. As a civil engineering student at University of Glasgow, the placement was a condition of his Institute of Engineering QUEST Scholarship.
The Quest Scholarship
The Queen’s Jubilee Scholarship Trust or QUEST was set up to encourage young people to pursue careers in civil engineering, and over the years has grown to offer opportunities for support and development to existing members.
As a QUEST undergraduate scholar Tommy receives:
- Up to £8,000 over the course of his study
- Paid work placements every summer
- Potential for a full-time job with a leading civil engineering or construction company when you graduate
- Experience, knowledge and the badge of an ICE QUEST scholar, good for his CV and his career, especially if he chooses to become an Incorporated or Chartered Engineer
The majority of the scholarships are funded jointly by QUEST and a sponsor company, and BAM Nuttall has been delighted to sponsor Tommy over summer 2023.
How did you come to choose BAM Nuttall for your summer 2023 placement?
I’m from Stirlingshire and in 2022, before I went into my first year at Uni, I completed 14 weeks work experience with BAM during the early stages earthworks for the CTLR project. When I started uni, there was a big push on the QUEST scholarship and I applied, citing my experience with BAM. There are a wide variety of companies looking at the applications for suitable candidates and the team selecting for BAM chose me.
When they suggested the Cross Tay Link Road project I was really pleased. As a major new piece of Scottish infrastructure, it’s a fantastic project to be part of.
What have you been working on over summer 2023, and does that compare to the work you did last summer?
I’ve been working with the Link Road construction team, shadowing engineers and talking to the crews.
Last summer, I was here while the earthworks took place, and watched these large machines shaping a field into what we need for the job. This year it has been far more technical which has allowed me to develop my knowledge base hugely; first year in uni is quite general and not civil specific so having 4 months onsite has been really important.
I’ve also been given some extra responsibilities this year and this trust has helped me understand what it is to be an engineer. I’d say the experience has given me a solid foundation for my second year and has prepared me in ways that theory work alone just can’t do.
What part of the job have you enjoyed most?
I’ve been working on the road construction and to see 5km of road go down in 2 months has been incredible. The speed and accuracy of the team is so impressive. Seeing it complete, and watching people use it is a real thrill.
I’ve also had a little involvement on the Green Bridge snagging, shadowing the inspections for quality and design. This has opened a new avenue for me to consider and I really enjoyed it.
All in I’ve worked with a great group of people and BAM has treated me really well.
Read more about how the Cross Tay Link Road project aims to support young people forging a career in construction>