Project Update – March 1 2023
A9 update
Grader grading material along A9 mainline.

4-way BT and communications ducting installed at southbound sliporoad and through Bertha cut.

Tay Crossing Update
Piling operations continue on both sides of the Tay Crossing. West pier columns all complete. East pier concrete pour for pile 21, with 4 piles left to completion.

West abutment stem wall formwork ongoing.

Link Road Update
Waterproof paint applied to green bridge abutments, ready for backfill.

Drainage squads installing 150mmØ pipe between manholes PKC-4/8 – PKC-4/9.

Drainage squad installing manhole PKC-5/73.

Grading stone up to subformation level of road between A93-A94.

Drainage squads installing 450mmØ pipe between manholes PKC-5/37 – PKC-5/36.