Project Update – June 12 2023
A9 update
Ducting installation at north tie in.

A9 overbridge deck second concrete pour.

Tay Crossing Update
East pier pile cap concrete pour.

Excavating down to formation level of west pier and cropping down piles.

Link Road Update
Placing and compacting type 1 graded stone to build up to underside of tarmac level on east side of A93 roundabout and approach road.

Tarmac installation at east side of A93 roundabout and approach road. Bottom layer (known as base layer) applied and rolled.

Commencing plaining and removing unsuitable material in preparation for construction of west side of A94 roundabout and approach road.

Laying and compacting CBGM along link road from A94 to Highfield roundabout, and reinstating core footpath diversion.

Laying and compacting CBGM along link road from Highfield roundabout heading towards A93 roundabout.

Laying and compacting Type 1 graded stone ahead of CBGM plant towards A93 roundabout.