Project Update – February 20 2023
A9 update
Drainage works has ceased for ducting works to progress. Communication ducting installed as well as two type A chambers at chainage 1925 North Bound.

Tay Crossing Update
Piling operations continue on both sides of the Tay Crossing. Concrete pour of Pile 18 on east pier and west pier Pile 3 pour. Formwork removed and reinstalled today from Pile 4 pour. Also, east abutment piling platform construction.

Link Road Update
Grading works carried out behind south abutment of Highfield Bridge, in preparation for backfill.

Drainage squad installing 225mmØ pipe from manhole PKC-3/9 towards manhole PKC-3/4.

Drainage squad installing manhole PKC-3/4 and 225mmØ pipe towards manhole PKC-3/8.