Project Update – August 14th 2023
A9 update
Earthworks are continuing, to form the roundabout to the east of the A9 overbridge including associated slip roads to/from the A9.

Earthworks are also taking place to backfill the west side of the A9 overbridge and formation of the west roundabout.

Tay Crossing Update
The first section of the Tay Crossing West pier has been completed and the shuttering stripped. Works will now commence on installing the shuttering for the second section.

Installation of the piles is continuing at the Tay Crossing west abutment.

Works have commenced on the construction of the traveller system which will be used to construct the Tay Crossing concrete deck.

Works have also commenced on installing the temporary props which will support the deck during the construction phase.

Surfacing of the non-motorised user path between Stormontfield Road and A93 is ongoing.

Drainage installation is continuing near Highfield roundabout.

Surfacing of the non-motorised user path between Highfield roundabout and A93 is ongoing.

Surfacing of the west side of the A94 roundabout and approach road has been completed up to binder course level. The final running surface will be laid in the coming weeks.