New Road Linking Stormontfield to A93 Now Open

Another major milestone in the Cross Tay Link Road project was reached in September 2023, with the opening of a new road between Stormontfield and the A93. Alongside this, two out of four new roundabouts on the link road are now in use.
Derek Walsh, Project Manager for BAM UK & Ireland, the main contractor for the Cross Tay Link Road project, commented, “Since the opening of the newly realigned A9 in early August, works have progressed well, and I’m encouraged to report that this subsequent milestone remains in line with the overall plan. This new section of link road places us in a good position as we move towards winter and the additional challenges that brings.
“Given the disrepair of the old road, which was particularly dangerous during the winter months and prone to flooding, we’re confident that local residents in particular will find this most recent project development to be a significant benefit.”
The new road will allow motorists and active travel users a more direct route from Stormontfield to the A93, as well as easing traffic on Perth Racecourse meeting days.
The old road between the A93 and Racecourse Road is now closed, with diversion signs in place.
Jillian Ferguson, Roads Infrastructure Manager for PKC, commented, “The past few months have been crucial in terms of project development, both in terms of major milestones and ancillary works, and I’d like to thank the team on the ground for their hard work, and local residents for their patience.”