29th March, 2023
Case Studies


Bertha Park High School, Perth


March 2023


S3 Pupils

The Challenge

"Inspiring the next generation"

It is widely known that the UK STEM sector faces significant challenges. It is therefore the role of every STEM employer to encourage and inspire the next generation to take up careers in STEM to secure talent for the future. The bridge building challenge introduces pupils to Civil Engineering whilst also giving pupils a chance to understand what works the engineers are involved in on CTLR Project.

The Activity

There was a total of 110 pupils who participated over four sessions on the day. Some of the team from CTLR Project delivered a presentation introducing themselves, their career journeys, and their role on the project. The pupils were then briefed on the task and split into groups to design, build and test their structure.

The Result

Four enjoyable and engaged sessions were delivered with depute head teacher Mr Mills providing feedback that it went down really with the pupils. This now takes the total to 695 school children who have participated in the bridge building challenge in schools within the Perth & Kinross area run by the project team from CTLR Project.

The Cross Tay Link Road is Phase Two of the Perth Transport Futures project, which will deliver a more efficient and better-connected transport system and a cleaner city centre environment.